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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Reflections from my preggo-self...

Many of you who have known me for the last 3 years, know that I have very difficult pregnancies.  I am blessed compared to many women who have medically complicated pregnancies.  I am not high risk.  I do not have any medical conditions that put myself or a baby in danger.  But I do get about 9 out of every 10 symptoms possible.

Shiloh's pregnancy was rough... and I was hoping this one would be easier (I mean, most things are easier the 2nd time around, right?).  Nope.  I was actually sick for longer with this one.  I was more prepared the 2nd time around, so maybe that evened out the playing field a bit.  ;)

I am currently feeling great... enjoying the 2nd trimester where most women feel the best.  I only suffer from insomnia, extreme hunger, occasional muscle aches, and my ever-growing waist line.

As a pregnant woman, I always wonder how Jesus can relate to me.  If you think about it, Jesus can relate to us all on so many levels.  Being fully man, He experienced joy, pleasure, pain, anguish, friendship, love, compassion, and death.  But how does Jesus relate to my large, hormonal, alien-invaded self??

I am always brought back to the same place of peace--and that is: that Jesus is the creator of life.  God breathed life into man.  God created man and woman, and designed new life to come forth the way it does.  So, no Jesus was not a woman, and further, never pregnant... but I find immense refuge in the realization that as the Creator, He knows.  He understands.  He gets my expanding waist line and all the complications that come with it.  He gets my raging hormones that can never decide which team they are on.  He gets my extremely ferocious appetite.  He gets that there is an entirely different, unique, and precious life residing inside my belly.  He gets my emotions.  He gets it all.

So despite the difficult pregnancies that I feel will just be my 9 month hurdles to new babies... I find comfort in my Savior.

:)  These are my ramblings from my insomniac plagued thought life lately...

**Does anyone ever wonder if Mary had morning sickness?  She was carrying the Son of God in her womb.... so maybe she had the most perfect 9 months imaginable... But seriously, did she have cravings for olives?  Goat milk and honey?  Was she the most beautifully glowing pregnant woman to ever grace this earth?  Hmmm...



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