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Monday, November 5, 2012

When waiting...

God knows that out of all the fruits of the spirit, I struggle the most with patience.  I mean, its actually "long suffering".  And who likes to suffer for a long time?  Not this lady.  I have always struggled with waiting on things.  I am antsy.

So waiting 9 months is hard.  But thankfully between this DTS and having a blurry 2 year old, I am quite distracted.  We have found some fun things to fill those moments when the waiting returns.

Have tea parties.  Why not?  I mean, all the stuffed animals are invited and I might as well attend the party.

Get backed into in a parking lot.  Yes.  Happened.  Despite the fact that I honked the horn to warn the BMW driver that she was about to bump her BMW bum into mine.

Shop for itty bitty adorable clothes.  Because a lady can NEVER have enough clothing.  ;)

Take picture of your oldest baby sleeping, because those precious moments of them being your only baby are about to be a thing of the past.

Take these.  Never hurts to help your body get to the finish line.

Paint pumpkins.  Because carving is too messy and I don't really like big knives.  But paints are fun and can entertain an antsy 2 year old and mommy for a good 30 minutes.

Get the old infant carseat out, washed, and re-asembled.  Then of course, strap a teddy bear in it.

Make home made popsicles.  Yum!  Fun to make, fun to eat!

Watch old movies.  OLD movies.  Like Bambi.  And laugh like a kid again.

Go to the pumpkin patch... aka, Avila Barn.  Feeding the animals is a lot of fun, and walking around watching your 2 year old squeal at every new kind of sheep or goat is priceless.

Tell your husband to build you something.

Go trick-or-treating.  Because your child's first time is something you will NEVER forget.  Plus the walking is always a good idea when you are ready to have a baby.

Pack your bag for the hospital.  Peace of mind.  Especially since last time, I hadn't done this and Brandon had to go home and pack for me... not ideal.  This time we are ready.  :)

Oh I just thought of another one..... Consider getting more diapers.  Because 2 will only last us about an hour...

From here on out, I am sure we'll be 'nesting' some more, walking a bunch, spending as much time as possible with Shiloh, and finding other little ways to pass the time.  Ah, patience.

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